The profits of good chartering.
A good shipping agent can make an important contribution to your profits. Sometimes you are looking for a more economical alternative, while at other you may require an earlier possibility for transport. BH Chartering knows the market and the shipping companies and is fully aware of the importance you attach to your cargo. armed with that knowledge and our experience we can provide each customer with the proper match.

As specialist in liquid and gaseous loads, we can offer you acces to the broad network of contact that we have throughout the world. You can also confidently ask BH Chartering to negotiate storage for you. That's all part of what we mean by being efficient.

Efficiency, Reliability, Decisiveness.
Key components in the world of shipping agents. At least, key within the customer driven support offered by the BH Shipping and Trading Group B.V. As international shipping makes ever higher demands in suppliers, so BH Shipping and Trading Group B.V. responds decisively to meet all those demands with a complete service. More than a quarter of a century's experience goed hand in hand with a customer-friendly approach and today we are there for you, our customer, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.